All about us!

What is Scouting

Scouting is a global, educational youth movement. In the UK Scouting is organised through the Scout Association and has a clear purpose:

To help young people achieve their full physical, intellectual, social and spiritual potential as individuals, as responsible citizens and as Members of their local, national and international communities.

But aren’t scouts uncool?

By becoming a member of the Scout Association, you have joined a family of like minded individuals who want to help build a better world where people are self-fulfilled as individuals and play a constructive role in society. You may recognise the names of some former Scouts; Michael Owen, Jamie Oliver, Steve Wright, David Beckham, Billy Connolly and others.

Where are 1st Swindon in this?

1st Swindon is part of North Swindon District of Swindon Scouts which is part of Wiltshire Scouts and all of us belong to the Scout Association.

We have four sections which are open to both boys and girls:

  • Beaver Scouts are between 6 and 8 years old, with meetings on a Wednesday evening at “The Wick
  • Cub Scouts are between 8 and 10½ years old and meet on a Tuesday or Thursday evening  at “The Wick”.
  • Scouts are between 10½ and 14 years old and meet on a Friday evening in the Winter months (October – March)  at “The Wick” however in the Summer months (April – October) we meet between at  Bowmoor Sailing Club.
  • Explorers are between 14 and 18 years old and meet on a Friday evening in the Winter months (October – March) at “The Wick” however in the Summer months (April – October) we meet between at Bowmoor Sailing Club.

To see what we are up to have a look at our currently planned events

If you are interested in joining us, please click here

If you have a general enquiry please click here

Slides from The Beaver and Cub camp 2015 at Youlbury

Slides from Scout and Explorer Regatta’s in 2015 at Bowmoor